Young happy waiter standing at cafe's front door.

Geomarketing, reviews and Google Maps

Currently, most people search for information about businesses and services online before making a purchase decision. If you have a storefront business, it’s essential to manage your customer relationship through Google Maps. Not only is it a useful tool for customers to find and learn more about your business, but it also allows them to leave comments and ratings about their experience.


On average, businesses with a rating of 4 stars or more on Google Maps are more likely to attract customers. In fact, according to a survey by BrightLocal, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, and 88% trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. Additionally, the same survey revealed that 77% of consumers believe online ratings have an impact on their purchase decision.

A success story in managing customer relationships through Google Maps is the restaurant chain Chick-fil-A. The company strives to respond to all reviews and comments on Google Maps quickly and effectively, allowing them to maintain a strong and positive online reputation. According to the company’s data, 80% of people who search for restaurants online use Google Maps, underscoring the importance of having a solid presence on this platform.

On the other hand, not responding or addressing queries, ratings, or complaints presented on Google Maps or any other online review platform can have negative consequences for your business. According to a survey by TripAdvisor, 87% of consumers won’t return to a business that hasn’t responded to their negative comments. Therefore, it’s essential to respond effectively to all queries and complaints to maintain a positive online reputation and increase customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, storefront businesses must manage their customer relationships through Google Maps. Customer ratings and comments are an important factor in consumers’ purchase decision, and companies that respond effectively to these queries and comments are more likely to attract and retain customers. Ensuring a strong presence on Google Maps and responding effectively to all queries and complaints is essential to maintaining a strong and positive online reputation.

A man and a woman traveling in Italy

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