Digital Strategy, Influencers, Social Media Management, Website developement
Liga Peruana de Lucha contra el Cancer
project information
he Peruvian League Against Cancer (LPLCC) is a Peruvian institution focused on cancer prevention and detection efforts. Since its foundation, it has contributed to reducing the high incidence of cancer in Peru through preventive actions such as informative and educational campaigns.
The project’s primary goal was to collect 10,000 signatures to petition the UICC (UN) to treat cancer as a global state issue. The campaign was conducted in collaboration with influencers and opinion leaders who were recruited within six hours to become “League Ambassadors,” resulting in strong participation on social media platforms and saturating Twitter and Facebook.

Services provided:
- Email marketing campaign
- Creation of landing pages
- Advertising and social media management
- Web optimization
- Public relations and influencer involvement
As a result, the campaign successfully collected 12,000 signatures within just seven days, setting a new speed record compared to other countries worldwide and securing Peru a platinum medal. This project marked the first large-scale and formal campaign in Peru involving influencers.

- Client : Liga Cancer.
- Date : February 15, 2009
- Link :
- Trade : NGO.